Tuesday, March 30, 2010
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia plans to review proposals to legalise sports betting ahead of the World Cup finals in South Africa, a report said Wednesday.
"There are proposals, but we will see first," Prime Minister Najib Razak was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times.
The newspaper said sports betting may legalised in time for the World Cup which is played from June 11 to July 11.
It said the Berjaya Group, a major Malaysian conglomerate with holdings ranging from lottery to casino operations, was seeking approval from the government to operate sports betting activities in the country.
Illegal betting on football is rife in Malaysia and the World Cup is expected to see a surge with millions of dollars changing hands.
The Berjaya Group made a similar proposal a few years ago, but then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi shot down the request. Gambling is forbidden in Islam and Malaysia has a large Muslim population.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
According to daysalive calculator, today is roughly 7366 days Im alive in this world. 'Life is like a wheel', thats what people said when mentioning life. Yes, its true. Theres up and down in life. And not everything that we wanted we can get. But we must at least try to get it, and the rest we leave it to God. Yes, we wouldn't know what the future might be but at least we should try. Kata orang 'rezeki tak akan jatuh bergolek', kita kena berusaha nak dapatkan juga.
Dalam 20tahun aku hidup dekat dunia ni, aku rasa macam aku kurang berbakti lagi dekat manusia-manusia di muka bumi ni. Bak kata abang aku dalam blog dia,'Thinking of myself, I have nothing to be given to the others. Maybe someday, I'll own something that can be shared with the needy'. Bak kata aku pula, cita-cita biar sederhana, NIAT biar besar. Hidup ni juga penuh dengan tanda tanya aku rasa dan ada sesetengah kita mampu menjawab verbally but when it comes to action we become cluelesss, numb. Soalan yang aku sendiri tak terjawab.
Kadang-kadang aku tertanya-tanya kenapa orang susah nak berhenti merokok?
Padahal mereka dah tahu bahaya merokok. Boleh dapat kanser, boleh bahayakan orang lain.
Ya aku tau sebab dah lama sangat merokok. Sebab rokok ada nicotin buat orang ketagih.
Kenapa pulak orang suka buang anak yang 'tak' berbapa? Ya aku tau mesti malu dapat anak 'tak' berbapa.
Ya aku tau mesti family dia malu ada cucu macam tu... Ya malu ada anak perempuan macam tu.
Tapi kenapa nak buang? Rumah kebajikan kan ada, rumah anak-anak yatim kan banyak, kenapa tak letak kat situ?
Ya aku tau aku tak berada di tempat dia. Tak tau macam mana rasa kalau jadi dekat aku.
Risau orang kutuk, kata hina lahir anak 'tak' berbapa.
Ya aku tahu semua itu...
Bila segalanya senang ditaip, diucap, tapi susah untuk dihadapi...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Two mini markets.
A jaguar/subaru/range rover.
One v-rod night road.
A nice house for me/family.
bukan angan-angan kosong.
By 35,
I will make all these come true.
Amin... Amin... Amin...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
aku tertekan preview templates
lepas tu sume link dkt bloglist hilang.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Breathe in...Breathe out...
Breathe in...Breathe out...
Now imagine korang tengah...
Say naik harley davidson v rod night rod.
Korang bawak laju-laju motor tu.
Sambil-sambil hirup udara
Pastu sampai tempat yang korang nak.
Tempat yang best.
Ni la yang korang dapat.
Angan-angan tanpa usaha tak akan menjadikan seseorang itu berjaya.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Papa pernah tanya aku pasal benda ni,
"What do you see in this?"
So easily, I answered "A black dot."
And the result was quite disappointing.